Friday, March 29, 2013

First Shoot

Willows Park with Ella & Caroline

Back in November I walked into my co-worker and friend's classroom and found her online searching for a photographer so that she could get pictures of her girls for Christmas cards. I immediately told her that I was available. I had been wanting to start taking pictures but I hadn't found any opportunities to do so. She willingly said yes and we set a date.

We decided to go to the Willows Park (it just so happened to be the park John & I got engaged at) because there were lots of trees and we were hoping for some great leaves. This is what I saw when I got there:
I'd say that we were good on the leave front. This made me so excited and I couldn't wait to get the girls in the leaves. There were all these ideas running through my head. Which was a good thing because on my drive over I was stressing out as to what I was going to do with these girls. I had never posed people for pictures before and I didn't want my friend to be unhappy with the results.

Turns out, things went wonderfully. I gave the girls a little direction, and they took it from there. Boy, were these girls great subjects to shoot. Here are a select sampling of the pictures I took:
 There was a great rock wall that served as our back drop.
 Ella was a tough one to get to focus on the camera.
But she sure did have some great candid shots!

 Caroline was great in helping Ella out. She truly loves her sister.

 I wasn't sure if the girls were going to have fun with the leaves.
Once I asked them to start playing with them, it was difficult to get them to stop.

These girls made the day so much fun. I was on a photography high and I couldn't wait to do it again.

Remember: "There are no rules to good photographs, there are just good photographs." ~Ansel Adams

Hope you enjoyed them!

~Amy J. Gardner

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